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Funny Clothes
7112. Jean Shorts with the Pocket Lining Exposed
If the pocket lining is showing, this probably means you cut them too short. See also Denim.
Funny Things
7113. Renaissance Fairs
Renaissance fairs, madrigal choirs, and the theme restaurant Medieval Times all seem to require the participation of earnest teenagers.
Funny Things to Do
7115. Googling Google
Seems like this might cause the internet to break. See also Computers.
Funny Words
7116. Hoity-Toity
Like "snooty," "hoity-toity" is a better word for "snobby." Also, like "Fancy-Dancy," it would make a good name for a drink. See also Alcohol, Arrogant.
Funny Jobs
7118. Analyzing Systems
Funny Drinks
7120. Shrinking Potion
In third grade a classmate claimed to not only have a shrinking potion but to have an invisibility potion as well. I responded that I owned a space bug, but this was a lie. I had lost the space bug in second grade. See also Made Up.