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Funny Diseases
7091. Mange
It's funny to think of people contracting a dog disease like the mange. Heartworm too.
Funny Clothes
7093. Victoria's Secret Blue Jeans
Even Victoria's Secret models don't look good in the high-waisted jeans they insist on including in every catalog. See also Denim.
Funny Animals
7094. Spuds MacKenzie
This Irish bull terrier belonged to the fraternity Tappa Kega Bud. See also 80's.
Funny People
7095. Alan Thicke
It's little known that in addition to starring as Jason Seaver, Alan Thicke composed the theme for Different Strokes and The Facts of Life. Feigning insult, Steve Martin recently wrote that David Letterman was "the poor man's Alan Thicke."
Funny Things
7097. Cat Trap
I'm not sure what this is, but I'm sure it must exist and that it must be an elaborate contraption. Cats, by the way, are hard to catch.
Funny Nicknames
7098. Spanky
Funny Animals
7099. Snapping Turtle
Pretty much any small, slow-moving animal possessing a vicious bite is funny.