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Funny Products
7121. Erasable Pens Shop
Let’s be honest. Sanding off a thin layer of paper is not actually erasing ink. See also 80's.
Funny Things to Do
7122. Freezing Soup in Ice Cube Trays
I wouldn't mind this so much if the people who did this weren't always so damn smug about it. Preparing single serving sizes of soup for future consumption does not make you cleverit makes you lame. See also Arrogant.
Funny Sayings
7123. I Haven't Had So Much Fun Since the Hogs Ate Little Sister.
This is squarely in the tradition of Southern Gothic. See also Animals.
Funny Phrases
7126. Eee-Yikes
The added "Eee" is an improvement on plain, old "Yikes." Typical usage would be, "Have you ever seen her in the morning? Eee-yikes."
Funny Phrases
7127. Rare and Fancy
Outside of souvenir shops, these adjectives are seldom properly used together. See also Tourists.
Funny Things
7128. Hairdana
This occurs when a woman (or man) ties back her hair with her own hair. It only looks good on a princess.
Funny Things to Do
7129. Puking into a Beer Bottle
It might sound like a clever or even polite thing to do, but it never works. The opening is just too small. See also Drunk.
Funny Things
7130. People Magazine's Picks and Pans
You shouldn't feel too bad if People magazine pans you. (Nor, for that matter, should you feel too good if they pick you.)