Funny Things
Funny Things
152. Frisbeetarianism
The belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and get's stuck. See also Religion.
Funny Things
153. Office Holiday Decoration Safety Guidelines
Rules from HR regarding how you can and cannot decorate your cubicle for the holidays. Usually sent as an all employee email with an animated emoticon wearing a Santa hat. See also Holidays, Office.
Funny Things
154. Microphone Headsets on Aerobics Instructors
Especially funny when paired with a sweatband. See also Exercise, Gym.
Hey! A little help here! Add your own funny thing.
Funny Things
156. Anorexic Farts
There's nothing like the smell of a fart from someone who doesn't eat. See also Flatulence.
Funny Things
157. Saw Paintings
Very big in Wisconsin. These are paintings, usually of nature scenes, done on the side of a hand saw in oil paint. See also Art, Wisconsin.
Funny Things
158. 1970's Metal Lunchboxes With a Glass-Lined Thermos
For children. Inside a metal lunch box. Didn't matter if it was Barbie, Hong Kong Fooey, or Hot Wheels; the Thermos bottle had a glass lining. The lining would last approximately two days, if it didn't in fact break on the way to school. I remember actually pursing my lips and actually drinking my milk through the glass. It took the lunchbox people around eight years or so figure out that it was a bad idea. See also 70's, Children, Schools.
Funny Things
159. Preformationism
Seventeenth century theory that all organisms were created at the same time and exist as fully-formed but miniature versions of themselves until birth. See also Biology.
Funny Things
160. Livestock Classified Ads
"Elvis is a large Jersey Giant Rooster, weighing close to 10 pounds already. He stands close to 2 feet tall and is very handsome. He is not agressive toward people but is also not the friendliest of our flock. He is crowing and fertilizing eggs!"
"Two Standard Blue Cochins available for purchase from a small, hobby breeder. These birds are around one year old, and they are of large stature and lustrous beauty."
"Registered jersey milk cow for sale. She is 5 years old and very gentle. On good green pasture she will give 8 to 9 gallons per day. " See also Animals.