Funny Things
Funny Things
201. Booby Traps
Funny Things
203. Swag
The free T-Shirts, foam cup-holders, and key rings you receive when attending conventions. See also Unnecessary.
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Funny Things
206. Wankel Rotary Engine
Invented by German engineer Felix Wankel, which uses a rotor instead of reciprocating pistons. See also Sophomoric.
Funny Things
207. Zapf Chancery
An ugly name and an ugly font. Also, a favorite of teenagers everywhere when writing poetry. See also Poetry, Typography.
Funny Things
208. Opposite Day
One day a year I get to shower with my clothes on, wear shoes on my hands, drive backwards down the wrong side of the road, tell my boss what to do, poop in the urinals and pee in the toilets, type with my feet, have cashiers pay me when I buy items, lose weight by eating Big Macs, and have my dog take me for a walk. Opposite day rules! See also Made Up.
Funny Things
210. Box of Rattlesnakes
From today's New York Times obituary of Evel Knievel, "When he was 27, he became co-owner of a motorcycle shop in Moses Lake, Wash. To attract customers, he announced he would jump his motorcycle 40 feet over parked cars and a box of rattlesnakes and continue on past a mountain lion tethered at the other end. Before 1,000 people, he did the stunt as promised but failed to fly far enough; his bike came down on the rattlesnakes." See also Animals.