Funny Things to Do
Funny Things to Do
491. Laughing While Clapping Your Hands And Crying, "More! Entertain Me!" in an English Accent
Funny Things to Do
492. Replacing Your Grandma's Peanut M&Ms with Lemonheads in a Dark Theater
She actually took it rather well. See also Pranks.
Funny Things to Do
494. Bringing Your Own Popcorn to the Movies
Eating popcorn from a Ziplcoc bag while the guy next to you has a bucket of movie popcorn is funny. See also Movies, Snacks.
Funny Things to Do
495. Parking as Close as You Can to the Front Door of the Gym
Why start the workout any sooner than you have to? See also Gym.
Yoo-hoooo! Be a doll and add a funny thing to do.
Funny Things to Do
496. Stuffing Food from a Buffet in Your Purse
Because you never know when you're going to be craving "old country" dinner rolls. See also Crime.
Funny Things to Do
497. Washing and Reusing Plastic Utensils, Cups and Plates
Funny Things to Do
498. Adding the Word "Dinner" to Meals
E.g. taco dinner, macaroni and cheese dinner, sushi dinner.
Funny Things to Do
499. Forgetting to Lift the Lid on the Toilet Seat Before Throwing Up
Oh yes there's even throw-up BEHIND the toilet. See also Alcohol, Drunk.
Funny Things to Do
500. High-fiving Someone Waving to Someone Behind You
Even more idiotic than waving to someone waving to someone behind you, and a lot harder to take back or disguise. See also Awkward.