Funny Things to Do
Funny Things to Do
491. Stuffing Food from a Buffet in Your Purse
Because you never know when you're going to be craving "old country" dinner rolls. See also Crime.
Funny Things to Do
492. Washing and Reusing Plastic Utensils, Cups and Plates
Funny Things to Do
493. Adding the Word "Dinner" to Meals
E.g. taco dinner, macaroni and cheese dinner, sushi dinner.
Funny Things to Do
494. Forgetting to Lift the Lid on the Toilet Seat Before Throwing Up
Oh yes there's even throw-up BEHIND the toilet. See also Alcohol, Drunk.
Funny Things to Do
495. High-fiving Someone Waving to Someone Behind You
Even more idiotic than waving to someone waving to someone behind you, and a lot harder to take back or disguise. See also Awkward.
Hey! A little help here! Add your own funny thing to do.
Funny Things to Do
496. Omphalomancy
Predicting how many children a mother is going to have by counting the number of knots on her first born child's umbilical cord. See also Babies, Mothers.
Funny Things to Do
497. Acting Cool when You Wave to Someone Waving at Someone Behind You
Ways to cover up your idiocy include pretending to fix your hair, scratch your head, or pointing towards nothing. See also Awkward.
Funny Things to Do
498. Touching a Buzz Cut
Yes, I have finally done it. (But I don't think that the guy was too happy.) See also Hair.
Funny Things to Do
499. Recalling an Email
Especially funny if it's for a minor mistake. Chances are everyone has already read the email anyway. See also Office, Telecommunications, Work.
Funny Things to Do
500. Setting Up a Conference Call
This is always funny because it very rarely is perfect on the first try. It's like this: "Judy, you still there? Ok, one more second." "Mike? you there? We lost Mike...." "No, sorry, I'm here phone was on mute." "Gary? you there? Gary? " "One second, gotta get Gary on. Everyone hold." See also Office, Telecommunications, Work.