Funny Things to Do
Funny Things to Do
542. Digging a Hole Through the Earth and Coming Out the Other Side
If cartoons are any indication, you always end up in China.
Funny Things to Do
543. Saying "Like" All the Time
At some point in life, you have to outgrow this. It's like, really annoying, when people say it, like, all the time. But then like, you're talking to this person who is like doing it, and you're like suppressing the urge to like totally laugh in his face. See also Teenagers.
Funny Things to Do
544. Eating Over the Kitchen Sink
Almost as depressing as eating your lunch in your car in the parking lot at work. See also Food.
Kind sir, might you lend a hand and add a funny thing to do?
Funny Things to Do
547. Being Pulled on Stage at a Bruce Springsteen Concert
Also known as the first step towards marrying David Arquette. See also Celebrities, Music.
Funny Things to Do
548. Taking a Power Shower
A precursor to the dressing drink. See also Alcohol, Bathroom.
Funny Things to Do
550. Wearing a Sash That Says "Mayor"
Especially when you're not actually the mayor. See also Government.