Guest Entries
Funny Diseases
1652. Fish Odor Syndrome
A metabolism disorder in which toxins get into ones sweat and urine, and makes one smell like fish. See also Fish.
Funny Drinks
1653. The Drunk Teenager
A mix of every type of alcoholic drink you can find at home. A very small amount of each is used so to remain undetectable by parents. See also Alcohol, Parents, Teenagers.
Funny Quotes
1655. "A skeleton walks into a bar and orders a beer and a mop."
This is apparently Al Pacino's favorite joke, as claimed by Johnny Depp on Letterman. See also Celebrities.
Funny Insults
1657. You Are a So Big Loser That, if There Had Been a Losing Contest You'd Have Been on the Second Place.
You are such a big loser that if there was contest for biggest loser, you'd come in second place.