Guest Entries
Funny Words
4011. Flume
Funny Movies
4013. Armageddon
Released a month after Deep Impact, this movie helped feed a nation's lust for space-death. "The United States government just asked us to save the world. Anyone wanna say no?" See also 90's, Space.
Funny Diseases
4014. Tarantism
An uncontrollable urge to dance, as in "Reverend Shaw Moore will not tolerate your taratism, nor the looseness it causes in your feet." Italians thought it was caused by tarantula bites. See also Animals, Dances, Italian.
Funny Things
4015. Wankel Rotary Engine
Invented by German engineer Felix Wankel, which uses a rotor instead of reciprocating pistons. See also Sophomoric.
Funny Tattoos
4016. Fingerstache
Mustache tattooed on the inside of the index finger. You hold it under your nose with the rest of your fingers closed against your palm. See also Hair.
Funny Animals
4017. A Dog Running Out of a Butcher Shop With a String of Sausages in Its Mouth
Preferably a scrappy little scamp who could be called Rags and a red-faced butcher running after him with an apron and big red cheeks looking like he's about to pop an embolism. See also Old-Timey, Pets.
Funny Words
4018. Logorrhea
From the Greek "log" (word) and the Latin "orrhea" (to shoot forcefully out of an orafice) comes this portmanteau which means to talk excessively.
Funny Insults
4019. Shmegegi
We can thank Yiddish and the wonderful cab drivers of New York City for this one.