Guest Entries
Funny Places
4001. Big Ugly, West Virginia
I live very close to Big Ugly State Park in West Virginia. Honest headline from local newspaper, "Big Ugly Woman Killed."
Funny Drinks
4002. Cochicken
A boneless chicken blended with Coca-Cola and additional seasonal ingredients.
Funny Words
4004. Blunderguff
A fart let off just before a beautiful woman walks into the vicinity. See also Flatulence, Sophomoric.
Funny Things
4005. Swag
The free T-Shirts, foam cup-holders, and key rings you receive when attending conventions. See also Unnecessary.
Funny Animals
4008. Aquatic Scrotum
The aquatic scrotum, the scientific name for a frog which generally resides in Lake Titicaca, is a large, wrinkly frog, with layers of skin that it uses to breathe. They're considered to be good luck because they supposedly bring rain, and are honored, hugged, kissed and stroked until the rain comes, when they are released back into their natural habitat. See also Sophomoric.