MsKnowItAll's Entries
Funny Sayings
152. If You Don't Have Anything Nice to Say . . . Sit Close to Me!
Thank you, Steel Magnolias!
Funny Things to Do
153. Use Aluminum Foil to Make What Looks Like an Exacto Blade
Even when you KNOW it won't cut or stab, your brain will still tell you it's a dangerous object as you touch it to your skin or someone else's.
Funny Things to Do
154. Picking Up a Furry Stuffed Animal and Making Like It's Biting Your Neck
This really upsets small children but makes adults laugh!
Funny Things to Do
155. Throw Ice into a Pond for Ducks or Fish . . .
They try really hard to find it, then start looking around. Then throw another . . .
Funny Things to Do
156. Backing Your Way Through a Drive Thru
That way the passenger has to order and pay! See also Fast Food, Pranks.
Funny Things to Do
157. While Having a Conversation, Start Swaying Slowly Back and Forth.
See how long it takes anyone to notice. This is incredibly effective when talking to drunks . . .
Funny Things to Do
158. Freelance Judging
Get a few lawn chairs and friends, then hold up cards with large numbers for everything . . . lawn care, cars going by, people strolling. My friends and I gave a lot of "6" and "9" just to see people laugh . . .
Funny Clothes
159. Boots Printed with Fine Art
I should have bought that pair of Vincent Van Gogh-Gogh boots! See also Art, Shoes.
Funny Drinks
160. Coffee Relationship Specific:
Cream, no sugar = blonde and bitter, like an ex-wife
Sugar, no cream = sweet and strong, like a new relationship