Tim's Entries
Funny Sayings
31. Pipe Down!
Usually used by dads, for some reason. Needs to be said only once. Oddly effective, even to this day.
Funny Phrases
32. "...in Bed."
Reciting your fortune cookie, then saying, "...in bed" after whatever is says. Always funny. See also Sex.
Funny Clothes
34. Man-Bra
Okay, first of all, man-bra. But there's more. Assuming you're in good health, fellah, then your moobs should, for the most part, not be staring at the ground; and, if they are, Who gives a damn anyway? You're a MAN! See also Lingerie.
Funny Tattoos
35. Tramp Stamp
Lower back (just above butt crack) tattoo on women. Worst scourge on society since the wine cooler. I guess it implies guys have something to read during doggie-style relations, or some kind of trailer park turn-on. All I know is it's probably better to think these things through first. See also White Trash.
Funny Places
36. Menomonie, Wisconsin
Pronounced mah-nahm-mah-nee, it's a town about 60 miles east of Minneapolis. Locals often call it, "Me no money".
Funny People
37. Rainbow Afro Guy
Used to show up at most major televised sporting events. Very noticeable. See also Sports.
Funny Nicknames
38. Funny Boy
As in "Hey, Funny Boy!". Said loudly after somebody made fun of somebody else, and somebody took exception. A swift beating then ensues, from one side or the other.
Funny Products
40. Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific
Actual name of a shampoo in the 70's and 80's. Do they still make this stuff? See also 70's, Hygiene.