Tim's Entries
Funny Videos
41. Good Oral Hygiene
The navy has three different instructional videos on the proper way to brush your teeth.
Funny Songs
42. The Streak Shop
1974 Ray Stevens hit highlighting the inherently funny trend of taking off all of one's clothes and running really fast in broad daylight. See also Nudity.
Funny Things
43. Ticket to Nowheresville
That's what you'll get if you keep on... fill in the blank. A sort of warning to stop what you're doing.
Funny Clothes
44. Plastic Bread Bags Over Your Shoes
Worn between the shoes and the black rubber overshoes, then taken off (but not thrown away!) upon arriving at school. Very much a Northern thing. Abruptly stops at 7th grade, because that's just not cool, man. See also Food.
Funny Foods
45. Triple Whopper with Cheese
The inherently funny part is two-fold; one, they make it, and two, people order it; 1,230 calories, 82 grams of fat, 275 mg's of cholesterol, and 1,590 mg's of salt. Contained in this sandwhich is what many people eat in three days. See also Cholesterol, Fast Food, Meat.
Funny Sayings
46. Balls O' Friday
Exclaimed by my mother when she hit the boiling point. And then would come the hitting.
Funny Insults
47. Homeschool
As in, "What's up, Homeschool?" An excellent insult because it covers so many insult-related topics: nerdiness, out of touch, undereducated, etc. The list is endless. See also Schools.
Funny Diseases
48. The Yips
A failure to perform easy tasks under pressure; missing a 6-inch putt, dropping the ball, flubbing a short speech in front of the boss, et al.
Funny Drinks
49. Booze Secretly Poured into the Punch Bowl
A cliche, sure, but hey, let's liven up this Lutheran Social Services Senior Dance! I mean, it's not like anyone's going to get pregnant! See also Alcohol, Pranks.