Yeetaleetthesecond's Entries

Funny Questions

11. Is It Pronounces GIF or JIF?

Don't mind me, just casually starting a war real quick...

Added by Yeetaleetthesecond on February 29, 2024| 3 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Videos

12. Who Put Michael Jackson in the Freezer?

The case is still cold to this day...

Added by Yeetaleetthesecond on February 26, 2024| 3 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Euphemisms

14. One-eyed Puff Adder

Also known as reproductive organs.

Added by Yeetaleetthesecond on January 31, 2024| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Foods

17. Welsh Rabbit

Added by Yeetaleetthesecond on January 31, 2024| 1 Comment | You Like This |

Funny Foods

18. Alewives

No one knows why it was named this way, but it's part of the herring family. Knowing its history, it's probably not very good.

Added by Yeetaleetthesecond on January 31, 2024| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Quotes

20. “The Reason I Talk to Myself is Because I’m the Only One Whose Answers I Accept.”

― George Carlin.

Added by Yeetaleetthesecond on January 31, 2024| Comment | You Like This |


513 Entries

Mark my words, I WILL be the top contributor to Inherently Funny. Not counting the Guest account though, because that's literally impossible. Opal In Sky is the best fucking band.

Random stats:
27 featured entries needed to overtake Frank.
Most liked post of mine is 186 likes (How to fall down a flight of stairs.).
100th featured entry of mine is Sternutaphobia.
1st featured entry of mine is Monopoly.
75 featured entries needed to overtake Ryan.
Currently 6th in the Top Contributors leaderboard (again, not counting the Guest account, 1st is Ryan in this case).

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