Yeetaleetthesecond's Entries
Funny Anti-Jokes
31. The Nap Police Were Called to the Local Daycare.
Turns out, all it was was just a three-year-old resisting a rest.
Funny Anti-Jokes
32. A Cow Was Suddenly Milked Without It Knowing.
Needless to say, it was in udder disbelief.
Funny Questions
33. If a Dinosaur Has an Extensive Vocabulary, Wouldn't It be a Thesaurus?
See also Dad Jokes.
Funny Things to Do
34. Put Vaseline on Your Hand and Give Someone a Handshake
Scare the crap out of folks when they realize how freaking moisturized your hand is.
Funny Things to Do
35. Pretend to be a News Reporter and Interview People on the Street About Made-up Stories
Example, “Sir, can I get your opinions on the recent state of clown murders?”
Funny Things to Do
36. Have an Argument with a Mannequin at a Store
I knew those damn mannequins were up to no good...
Funny Things to Do
37. 💧︎◻︎♏︎♋︎🙵 ♓︎■︎ ⬥︎♓︎■︎♎︎♓︎■︎♑︎⬧︎ ♐︎□︎❒︎ ♋︎ ♎︎♋︎⍓︎
Hopefully this is easy for people to decipher.
Funny Things to Do
38. Eating a Tomato Like an Apple
I do it sometimes. I just really like tomatoes. See also Fruits.
Funny Anti-Jokes
40. A Man Died After Eating 300 Hot Dogs.
I guess we all know to not eat 300 hot dogs quickly.