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Funny Names
2912. Timor Leste
The country that broke apart from Indonesia in 2004. Timor means "east" in the local language, and "Leste" means "east " in Portuguese, so "Timor Leste" translates to "East east" in English. See also Redundant.
Funny Anti-Jokes
2914. Why Did the Whale Cross the Ocean?
I don't know, I think you should probably ask him.
Funny Questions
2916. Can a Kangaroo Jump Higher than a House?
Of course it can, a house can't jump at all.
Funny Advice
2917. If You Cut the Tennis Balls in Half, You Can Fit 6 in a Container
It works, but don't actually do it please.
Funny Things
2918. Interstate Highways in Hawai'i
Exactly which other states do they go to? See also Hawaii.
Funny Diseases
2919. A Serious Case of Nothing to Wear
I can't go to school because I have nothing to wear.
Funny Places
2920. Places
What you say when you're parents ask you where you've been. See also Teenagers.