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Funny Insults
2941. You're a Yellow Marker That Was Used to Color over Something Darker and is Now Dirty Yellow
Funny Places
2942. El Pueblo De Nuestra Señora La Reina De Los Ãngeles Del RÃo De Porciúncula
Or, L.A. for short. See also California.
Funny Phrases
2943. Milkshake Duck
I'm surprised no one has typed this yet, despite it being the Maquarie Dictionary word of the year.
By the way, it means a story that seems innocent at first, but escalates into something bad after further investigation. Take the coiner of the word's short story, for example:
The whole internet loves Milkshake Duck, a lovely duck that drinks milkshakes! *5 seconds later* We regret to inform you the duck is racist. See also Internet.
Funny Diseases
2944. Capgras Delusion
Disorder in which a person thinks a person close to them has been replaced by an impostor.
Funny Insults
2950. If You Were Microscopic You Would be Three Inches Wide
Cause you so fat. See also Obesity.