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Funny Things to Do
3891. Reading by Candlelight
Your last resort for entertainment when the power goes out. See also Old-Timey.
Funny Insults
3892. PEBKAC
Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair. Help-desk slang for "You don't know how to use a computer." See also Computers.
Funny Words
3893. Netiquette
A buzzword that was popular in the early 2000s, but mysteriously died out by 2012. See also Internet.
Funny Toys
3894. Breath Blasters
Rubber figures from the 80's that exhaled bad smells when squeezed. Later banned because they were toxic, even though they were marketed as nontoxic. See also 80's.
Funny Diseases
3896. Dysania
The struggle to get up in the morning. Especially common on Mondays between August and May.
Funny Drinks
3897. Trump Wine
Why does he market it if he won't drink it himself? See also Alcohol, Hypocritical, Politics.
Funny Instruments
3898. Child Instruments
E.g. rubber bands as harps, pots and pans as drums, and toilet paper rolls as trumpets.