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Funny Phrases
4571. 1,2. Bis-hydroxy Chickenwire
In organic chemistry class, what to name a structure containing at least one benzene ring, when you have no idea what is actually is. See also Science.
Funny Quotes
4572. "Just because a page on the internet has a famous person's name after a quote, it doesn't mean he or she said it."
-Abraham Lincoln
Funny Videos
4575. Sweet Pickles Commercial
Smart moms know how kids' minds grow, upon Sweet Pickels!
"I think it's ex-cell-ent!"
"Sweet Pickles is gweat!" See also 80's.
Funny Diseases
4576. Cyrus Virus
Marked by twerking, sticking out your tongue, licking hammers, and obsessing over wrecking balls. See also Singers.
Funny Names
4577. Phillip Phillips
He won American Idol for having the same last name as his first name. Congrats. See also Music, Redundant.
Funny Words
4578. Drachenfutter
German for "food for the dragons", it means an olive branch you give to your spouse, typically after cheating. See also German.
Funny Names
4579. Stanley Yelnats
From the book Holes, the last name is "Stanley" spelled backwards.
Funny Words
4580. Fopdoodle
A completely ridiculous and perfectly fitting word for a silly fool. Not to be confused with flapdoodle, which means stupid babble or nonsense.