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Funny Instruments
4763. Whip Cracks
Two 2x4s were hinged together and slapped against each another by yours truly in the attempt to make a sound like a whip in our Sleigh Bells rendition. My hair flew backwards and my expression became pinched each time I slapped them together.
Funny Things to Do
4765. Reading Sports Headlines Literally
For example, Costly Mistake for the Orioles. (Perhaps they flew north rather than south for the winter.) Or Pirates Lose Another Arm to Injury. See also Sports.
Funny Toys
4768. Tippy Tumbles
I wanted this doll as a child, but got a skipping rope instead. The doll could sit up, do front and back flips and handstands with the aid of a battery-operated "handbag" accessory attached to its leg. See also 70's, Dolls.
Funny Places
4770. The Finger Lakes
A set of lakes in upstate New York. Roughly 75% of weird uncles come from this area.