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Funny Words
5271. Houp-doup
Sound made when transitioning from a sitting to a standing position. Pronounced "hoop-doop". See also Middle Age.
Funny Things to Do
5272. Sudden Death Karaoke
The prank played by drivers and shotgun riders on the rest of the car. The secret Sudden Death Karaoke signal is when you lean over and turn up the radio and raises one eyebrow. Then, once everyone in the backseat is singing horribly offkey and attempting to drown out the too-loud song, the front seat riders (immediately and without the knowledge of the back seaters) turn off the song and revel in the embarassment of the horrible singers who know at most 3/4 of the words. See also Cars, Karaoke.
Funny Words
5273. Osculate
Another one of those words that make junior high kids giggle. (It means to kiss.)
Funny Clothes
5274. Hair Visors Shop
Both self-consciously bald and in need of shade from the sun? Why not kill two birds with one stone?
Funny Nicknames
5277. Bro Montana
Funny Animals
5278. Serval
Wild cat with the body of a leopard and the adorable little face of a kitten. See also Cats.
Funny Places
5279. Brobdingnag
Fictional land of giants in Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels. See also Literature.