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Funny Insults
5301. Guttersnipe
A child of the slums who spends most of his or her time in the streets: contemptuous term applied to anyone regarded as having the manners, morals, etc. of the gutter.
Funny Things
5303. Cockles
Any of various weeds that grow in grain fields, as the corn cockle. See also Plants.
Funny Things to Do
5304. Facebooked
As in, "I just got facebooked". Went to Facebook just to look for a few minutes, and two hours later I'm contributing to some stupid website called inherently funny! See also Computers, Internet.
Funny Insults
5305. Schlemiel
Of Yiddish origin. An unlucky bumbler, a chump. Can be heard in the theme song from Laverne & Shirley show. See also Yiddish.
Funny Insults
5306. Schnook
A stupid or easily victimized person; a dupe. Probably Yiddish origin. See also Old-Timey, Yiddish.
Funny Words
5309. Hoi Polloi
The general populace; the masses. "The queen would rarely condescend to speak to the hoi polloi."