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Funny Words
5611. Absquatulate
1. To depart in a hurry
2. To die
3. To abscond
1. We must absquatulate before the Wicked Witch arrives!
2. I am going to break the news of your aunt's absquatulation as seriously as possible.
3. That man just absquatulated with your horse. See also Crime, Travel.
Funny Words
5612. Spoonerism
Swapping the first or other sounds of words,
e.g. it is kisstomary to cuss ["customary to kiss"] the bride.
Funny Things to Do
5615. Setting Up a Conference Call
This is always funny because it very rarely is perfect on the first try. It's like this: "Judy, you still there? Ok, one more second." "Mike? you there? We lost Mike...." "No, sorry, I'm here phone was on mute." "Gary? you there? Gary? " "One second, gotta get Gary on. Everyone hold." See also Office, Telecommunications, Work.
Funny Things to Do
5616. Recalling an Email
Especially funny if it's for a minor mistake. Chances are everyone has already read the email anyway. See also Office, Telecommunications, Work.
Funny Advice
5620. Don't Cut Your Own Bangs
They always come out crooked... AND, you just keep cutting and cutting and cutting... Oh My! See also Hair.