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Funny Foods
6421. Toad in the Hole
According to Wikipedia, "a traditional British dish comprised of sausages in Yorkshire pudding batter, usually served with vegetables and gravy."
Funny Things
6423. Dueling Pianos
Funny People
6425. Nice Guys
Self-identifying group of single men who confuse insecurity and clinginess with romance and desirability and who often can be heard asking, "Why do women only want to date jerks?" See also Nerds.
Funny Products
6426. Vibrating Belt Shop
Old-school piece of exercise equipment that would vibrate the user to weight loss. See also Exercise, Old-Timey, Unnecessary.
Funny Foods
6427. Foods of Disbelief
In other words, I Can't Believe It's Not Butter and I Can't Believe It's Yogurt.