Funny Observations
Funny Observations
111. You Can’t Stick Your Tongue out While Breathing Through Your Mouth
And you tried, and now you look like a panting dog. See also Pranks.
Funny Observations
113. In the list of tags, "Video Games" and "Violence" are next to each other.
🤔 See also Video Games, Violence.
Funny Observations
114. If you miss someone’s funeral, they won’t care.
Psst. Got something funnier? Add your own funny observation.
Funny Observations
116. In comic strips, the person on the left always speaks first.
See also Comics.
Funny Observations
117. The sound of your alarm clock is your theme song because it starts at the beginning of every episode.
See also Sleep.
Funny Observations
118. Watermelons are melons full of water. Oranges are orange. So why don’t we call Bananas “yellows”?
Seriously, who came up with these names? See also Fruits.
Funny Observations
120. The age ratio between two people always gets smaller…
But never flips. See also Math.