Funny Observations
Funny Observations
122. The age ratio between two people always gets smaller…
But never flips. See also Math.
Funny Observations
123. Cats are smarter than humans. They don’t need to be taught to use the bathroom.
See also Cats.
Kind sir, might you lend a hand and add a funny observation?
Funny Observations
126. November 2000 was the last time all humans were on Earth.
Ever since there has always been at least one person on the International Space Station. See also Space.
Funny Observations
127. Every time you paint your room, it gets smaller. But every time you paint your house, it gets bigger.
Funny Observations
128. If school isn’t a place for sleeping, then home isn’t a place for learning.
See also Schools.
Funny Observations
129. There’s a Fine Line Between a Numerator and a Denominator
You know, cos maths and stuff. See also Math.
Funny Observations
130. Pony and Bologna Rhyme
But cough, rough, through, and though don’t. See also English.