51 Entries Tagged “Insects”
Funny Animals
31. Adactylidium
A type of mite known for its peculiar lifecycle. The male mates with the female in the pregnant animal's body. The mated mite then eat the mother from the inside out and is born pregnant. See also Insects.
Funny Things
32. Beehives
For whatever reason, in cartoons beehives fall on people's heads almost as often as anvils. See also Cartoons, Insects.
Funny Nicknames
36. Cicada
Your friend who spent the first 17 years of his life living underground and doing nothing, but once he gets to college starts making a lot of noise and partying. See also Insects.
Funny Things to Do
37. Jumping into a Pond to Escape a Swarm of Bees
And using a reed as a snorkel until they go away. See also Insects, Old-Timey.
Funny Animals
39. Agra Vation
It's a type of beetle in the carabid family, which also includes the famous bombardier beetle. See also Insects.