Guest Entries
Funny Foods
3111. Milo Shop
A chocolate beverage mix that makes anything taste better. See also Australian.
Funny Names
3113. Tikki Tikki Tembo-no Sa Rembo-chari Bari Ruchi-pip Peri Pembo
Long name that prevents a boy from being rescued from a well in the 1968 children's book Tikki Tikki Tembo.
Funny Places
3115. The Internet
A series of tubes and pipes, a glob of code. A site. Cats. See also Cats, Computers.
Funny Sayings
3116. It's All Sh*ts and Giggles 'til Someone Giggles and Sh*ts
Trust me. See also Profanity, Scatological.
Funny Places
3117. Drain, Oregon
A real town. Local joke: "It rains so much in Oregon, they had to install a Drain."
Funny Jobs
3119. Piccoloist
A person who plays piccolo, sometimes called a pickler, usually called annoying.