Guest Entries
Funny Products
3131. Hai Karate
The Axe Body Spray of the late 1960's. Named after the self-defense maneuver a wearer would need to employ against aggressive female admirers. See also 60's.
Funny Animals
3135. Chicken Turtle
An actual breed of turtle in the American southeast, so named because it tastes like chicken.
Funny Sayings
3136. May the 4th Be With You
And that's why we celebrate Star Wars Day on May 4th. See also Holidays.
Funny Foods
3137. Mac and Epoisses
Mac and cheese but with Epoisses. Epoisses is one of the smelliest cheeses on the cheese board. Indeed, Epoisses has been banned from public transportation vehicles all over France. It is made from raw cow's milk and its rind is washed with pomace brandy. See also French.
Funny Words
3138. Erinaceous
To resemble a hedgehog, e.g. "Martin Freeman is erinaceous." See also Cute.
Funny Animals
3139. Pangolins
Only known scaly mammal, a fact that makes them both super cute and widely trafficked.