Yeetaleetthesecond's Entries
Funny Phrases
301. Bol O Woa
How British people pronounce "Bottle of Water," or at least how it sounds like. See also British, Water.
Funny Books
303. Hiccup
The story of a sibling attempting to cure her brother's hiccups. It probably has, like, 17 words in the entire thing.
Funny Quotes
304. "I Just Wanna Talk to Him."
So saith Peter as he loads his shotgun. See also Family Guy, Guns.
Funny Things
305. Erasers That Smudge Led Everywhere on the Paper
I guess this is more infuriating than funny.
Funny Things to Do
306. Put the Coffee Mug on the Coffee Maker Upside Down
This results in coffee that could've been in your system, but instead is on the floor and counter. Your typical Monday morning, y'know? See also Coffee.
Funny Insults
309. I Shake My Fist at Thee
Probably not from Shakespeare, but from the depths of my extremely bored brain.
Funny Insults
310. “That trunk of humours, that bolting-hutch of beastliness, that swollen parcel of dropsies, that huge bombard of sack, that stuffed cloak-bag of guts, that roasted Manningtree ox with the pudding in his belly, that reverend vice, that grey Iniquity, that father ruffian, that vanity in years.”
Calm down! Good lord! See also Shakespeare.