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Funny Phrases
2321. To Serve and Correct
The Grammar Police's motto. Ironically enough, it's not even a complete sentence; it is a sentence fragment and oH GOD IT'S SPREADING. See also Grammar, Ironic, Police.
Funny Words
2322. Blithely
Sounds like it should have a negative connotation, but actually means "with cheerful indifference." Ironically enough, I learned it from this site: not from a post, but from the flavor text on the commenting screen. The more you know.
Funny Nicknames
2323. America's Village Idiot
Also known as Donald Trump. See also Politics, Presidents.
Funny T-Shirts
2324. If I’m ever on life support, unplug me. Then plug me back in. See if that works. Shop
You got it, Dad.
Funny Observations
2326. If a baby is born in New York at 12:00 AM, and another baby is born simultaneously in California, they will have different birthdays.
Funny Questions
2329. What's the Difference Between a Hippo and a Zippo?
One's really heavy, the others a little lighter.