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Funny Observations
2284. Why is a house burning down the same thing as a house burning up?
See also Language.
Funny Observations
2285. Why is having some awe better than being full of awe?
Awesome vs. awful. It makes no sense. See also Language.
Funny Observations
2286. Horrible means the same thing as horrific, so why doesn't terrible mean the same thing as terrific?
See also Language.
Funny Anti-Jokes
2287. What's the difference between a parking lot and an aquarium?
One is a place for cars to park and one is a place to see fish.
Funny Advice
2288. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. Remember, you’re raising alligators.
Funny T-Shirts
2290. Fart Ninja: Silent but Deadly Shop
Dads’ favorite way to embarrass their teenage daughters. See also Flatulence, Parents.