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Funny Toys
3474. Cursed Dollies
They look cute, but don't let them fool you! Burn them before they bring misfortune to your family! See also Horror.
Funny Words
3476. Finsterwallies
According to the book Maniac Magee, having the Finsterwallies is characterized by ''violent trembling in the arms and legs".
Funny Animals
3480. Drop Bears
One of Australia's most dangerous native carnivores. Also known as the killer koala. Its Latin name is Phascolarctos Carnivora. It is not a true bear, but is closely related to the koala. It lives in trees and drops down onto passing prey below, killing and eating it. To deter it, spread strong-smelling substances such as vegemite or toothpaste behind your ears. See also Animals, Koalas.