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Funny Conveyances
3521. Yugo
Yugoslavia's version of the Ford Pinto. Every bit as clunky and dangerous, but killed by comedians rather than Ralph Nader. See also Communism.
Funny Things
3522. Comet Pills
Pills that were sold in the early 20th century, around the time the Earth passed through the trail of Halley's Comet. The pills were meant to protect against the gases in the trail, but they were clearly bogus. See also Old-Timey, Space.
Funny Foods
3523. Pomato
A tomato plant's stem grafted onto a potato plant's roots. Sometimes referred to as "French Fries and Ketchup". See also Unnecessary.
Funny Toys
3530. Cursed Dollies
They look cute, but don't let them fool you! Burn them before they bring misfortune to your family! See also Horror.