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Funny Diseases
5121. Yeuk
Yeuk is a 15th century Middle English word used by the Scots meaning "to itch". When not used as a verb, it is may be used to identify a particular sensation, i.e. the irritation of nerve endings in skin or mucous membrane that provokes the desire to scratch oneself silly if alone or look for a speedy exit if one is in mixed company. It's also a popular name for the parasitic disorder "scabies".
Funny Nicknames
5124. Shmoopy
You're Shmoopy, no YOU'RE Shmoopy! (Seinfeld) See also Comedy, Sitcom, Television.
Funny People
5125. Hyperpolysyllabicsesquipedalianist
A person who loves to use extremely long words (oh the irony).
Funny People
5126. Xantippe
She's the wife of Greek philosopher Socrates who was known for her bad temper. Now the term is used to signify a shrew or surly spouse (who more often than not thinks children should neither be seen nor heard). See also Greek.