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Funny Animals
5551. Bald Bears
Actually a little sad, and yes, a bit funny. But they don't looks so tough now, do they? See also German, Hair.
Funny Phobias
5552. Basophobia
The extreme fear of falling down. So much so, that someone with this disease never gets up.
Funny Products
5553. 1-800-COLLECT
Commercials for 1-800-COLLECT were a ubiquitous presence on TV during the 90's and featured b-list celebrities such as Mr. T, Alyssa Milano, and Aresenio Hall urging you to save a buck or two. One commercial also featured OJ Simpson's momperhaps the fact he was still calling his Mom collect as a wealthy adult should have been our first clue. See also 90's, Commercials, Telecommunications.
Funny Sayings
5554. It'll Make a Turd
That thing they're serving you... it might taste horrible, but at least it's functional. See also Food, Scatological.
Funny Things to Do
5555. Touching a Buzz Cut
Yes, I have finally done it. (But I don't think that the guy was too happy.) See also Hair.
Funny Things to Do
5556. Acting Cool when You Wave to Someone Waving at Someone Behind You
Ways to cover up your idiocy include pretending to fix your hair, scratch your head, or pointing towards nothing. See also Awkward.
Funny Things to Do
5557. Omphalomancy
Predicting how many children a mother is going to have by counting the number of knots on her first born child's umbilical cord. See also Babies, Mothers.
Funny Words
5558. Absquatulate
1. To depart in a hurry
2. To die
3. To abscond
1. We must absquatulate before the Wicked Witch arrives!
2. I am going to break the news of your aunt's absquatulation as seriously as possible.
3. That man just absquatulated with your horse. See also Crime, Travel.
Funny Words
5559. Spoonerism
Swapping the first or other sounds of words,
e.g. it is kisstomary to cuss ["customary to kiss"] the bride.