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Funny Things to Do
5561. Laughing While Clapping Your Hands And Crying, "More! Entertain Me!" in an English Accent
Funny Advice
5562. Be Careful
Usually said by one's mother after having already sustained an injury as a result of not being careful. Thanks, mom! I'll try to go back in time so that I can use your advice.
Funny Advice
5563. Drive Safe
Well, what are you supposed to say?
"Drive fast and take chances! Use your road rage if you have to, sweet pea!" See also Cars.
Funny Clothes
5564. Monocles Shop
Add a top hat and you’re dressed like a fancy peanut. See also Old-Timey.
Funny Tattoos
5565. Lasciate Ogni Speranza Voi Ch'entrate
From Dante's The Divine Comedy, translated to "abandon all hope, ye who enter here."
Funny Things to Do
5569. Stuffing Food from a Buffet in Your Purse
Because you never know when you're going to be craving "old country" dinner rolls. See also Crime.
Funny Things to Do
5570. Parking as Close as You Can to the Front Door of the Gym
Why start the workout any sooner than you have to? See also Gym.