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Funny Drinks
5983. Booze Secretly Poured into the Punch Bowl
A cliche, sure, but hey, let's liven up this Lutheran Social Services Senior Dance! I mean, it's not like anyone's going to get pregnant! See also Alcohol, Pranks.
Funny Sayings
5985. Higher than a Giraffe's Ass
When someone is really high (on life... or drugs). See also Animals, Drugs.
Funny Things
5986. Triple Entendres
The only one I can think of is Canadian drug-dealer turned wrapper Snow's debut album "12 Inches of Snow". See also Drugs.
Funny Books
5987. The Joy of Sex
Alphabetically organized, and quite specific in detail, it was for many of us, our first sexual experience, or, for that matter, learning experiencecarefully pulling the book down off the shelf when no one is home. By the way, they actually made a Vol. 2 with less hairy, scraggly people. See also 70's, Sex.
Funny Instruments
5988. Spoons
I mean, how hard is this to play, really? Two spoons, hit them against your body. Not to be hatin', but how far is that from drumming on the car dashboard when a cool song comes on?
Funny Things to Do
5990. Dancing Knife Fights
As seen in Michael Jackson videos and West Side Story. See also Musicals, Singers, Weapons.