Funny Sayings
Funny Sayings
251. I'll Hold Your Beer
What you say to somebody after they (usually drunkenly) claim they are going to do something that everyone but them knows its blatantly stupid. See also Alcohol, Drunk.
Funny Sayings
252. You Can Only Fish for So Long...
...until you have to put a stick of dynamite in the water. From the Big Bang Theory. Sentimental note about getting things done. See also Television.
Funny Sayings
254. He Does Everything Like He's Killing Snakes
A person who can't focus but takes on every task with excessive vim. And vigor. See also Reptiles.
Funny Sayings
255. Nuckin' Futs
Dude. Do us a solid. Add your own funny saying.
Funny Sayings
256. Please Park in Our Rear
My mom and I would get the giggles every time we saw this sign in front of a store. See also Sophomoric.
Funny Sayings
257. Leaving Boston is the Only Thing to Do in Boston
Funny Sayings
258. Pobody's Nerfect
Funny Sayings
259. I Haven't Found a Way to Make Money by Poking Things with a Stick, so I'm in School
Funny Sayings
260. Moshi Moshi
The way to say hello when answering the phone in Japan. Fun for other countries too.