146 Entries Tagged “Made Up”
Funny Animals
132. Jackalope
Jackrabbit-antelope hybrid found throughout the Southwest on postcards. See also Made Up.
Funny Things
133. Opposite Day
One day a year I get to shower with my clothes on, wear shoes on my hands, drive backwards down the wrong side of the road, tell my boss what to do, poop in the urinals and pee in the toilets, type with my feet, have cashiers pay me when I buy items, lose weight by eating Big Macs, and have my dog take me for a walk. Opposite day rules! See also Made Up.
Funny Names
135. Gilchrist Peabody
Gilchrist Peabody is the name of the fictitious lawyer whose services I invoke whenever I suspect things aren't on the up-and-up. I figured that name would look pretty intimidating on the letterhead. See also Made Up.
Funny Things
138. Torcano
Rare natural disaster in which a tornado descends upon an active volcano and hurls lava. See also Made Up.