39 Entries Tagged “Science”
Funny Things to Do
12. Make Antigravity
First, get a rope, toast, butter, and a cat.
Second, use the rope to tie the buttered toast to the top of the cat.
Finally, drop the cat. This will create a paradox whereupon the cat has to land on feet, but the toast has to land butter-side down. See also Cats, Dairy, Science.
Funny Things to Do
13. Naming a Animal Before You Dissect It
Squirmy the Wormy sure loved being cut open by two psycho 13 year olds. See also Science.
Funny Things
14. Flipase
The enzyme that transfers phospholipids from one side of a cell membrane to another. It has a very sciencey name. See also Science.
Funny Things to Do
15. Blowing Yourself Up in a Chemistry Class
I don't think this actually happens in real life. See also Old-Timey, Schools, Science.
Funny Quotes
17. "I Don't Say Half of the Junk People Say I Do."
- Albert Einstein See also Science.
Funny Words
20. Aa
A kind of volcanic lava that forms jagged masses with a light frothy texture. See also Science.