Guest Entries
Funny Euphemisms
3191. Fluffing Bunnies
A polite, and adorable, way to explain passing gas. See also Flatulence.
Funny Sayings
3192. Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys
A great saying for when you don't want to get involved.
Funny Insults
3194. Banter Sponge
Someone who takes away all banter from the immediate vicinity; not to be seen as a compliment, as most of you sponges seem to take it.
Funny Insults
3195. Russian Doll
Are you a Russian doll?
Because you're full of yourself. See also Russian.
Funny Instruments
3199. Drumbone
Used by the Blue Man Group. Essentially a twisty PVC pipe that slides like a trombone and is played by hitting it with sticks.