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Funny Animals
4244. Chinchickens
Small animal with the ears of a chinchilla and a beak of a chicken. See also Made Up.
Funny Phobias
4245. Pantophobia
No, not a fear of pants, but the fear of everything. So I guess that actually includes the fear of pants. See also Pants.
Funny Things
4246. Epithalamions
Per Wikipedia, "a poem written specifically for the bride on the way to her marital chamber." See also Literature, Marriage.
Funny Foods
4247. Fluffatella
Marshmallow Fluff and Nutella on bread, served with a side of diabetes. See also Snacks.
Funny Movies
4248. The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon
A guy tries to kill another guy with a spoon. Real movie.