Funny Sayings
Funny Sayings
31. It Tiss What It Tiss
Funny Sayings
32. Sometimes I Wonder if All of This is Happening Because I Didn't Forward That Email to 10 People…
Funny Sayings
34. There’s Mercury in Uranus!
What the doctor says when the rectal thermometer breaks during the health exam. See also Astronomy, Doctors.
Dude. Do us a solid. Add your own funny saying.
Funny Sayings
36. Life is like a game of chess; I don’t know how to play chess.
Funny Sayings
37. Happy as a Skunk Eating Sh*t
Animals in the weasel family eat their prey from the bottom first so the organs don't spoil, and in case their prey is stolen, they’ve had the parts with the highest nutritional value. See also Profanity.