Funny Advice
Funny Advice
211. Keep the Space Heater Away from Standing Water While It is Operational
As in:
Do not precariously balance the space-heater on the edge of the bathtub while we soak in said tub stoned out of our minds, eating pizza, and talking about surviving hiding together in a portable toilet for extended periods of time with a pet goat.
I'm not ready to die by electric shock yet. I've seen those stickers on hairdryers yes siree! See also Dangerous, Electricity.
Funny Advice
212. Make It Happen, Captain
Funny Advice
214. Don't be That Guy
Funny Advice
215. Drive Safe
Well, what are you supposed to say?
"Drive fast and take chances! Use your road rage if you have to, sweet pea!" See also Cars.
Dude. Do us a solid. Add your own funny advice.
Funny Advice
216. Be Careful
Usually said by one's mother after having already sustained an injury as a result of not being careful. Thanks, mom! I'll try to go back in time so that I can use your advice.
Funny Advice
218. Don't Cut Your Own Bangs
They always come out crooked... AND, you just keep cutting and cutting and cutting... Oh My! See also Hair.
Funny Advice
219. Don't Put Metal in the Microwave
Your mother, microwave instruction manuals, and the entire world probably all warned you about this at least once. See also Anxiety, Dangerous.
Funny Advice
220. You Don't Eat, You Don't Shit. You Don't Shit, You Die.
An emperical truth of the universe. See also Food, Health, Profanity.