Guest Entries
Funny Insults
1214. Ñoqui
The Spanish word for gnocchi. In Argentina, it’s used to insult a person who does nothing but procrastinate and later takes the credit and salary of someone else who really deserves it. See also Pasta, Work.
Funny Observations
1216. Lawyers hope you get sued, doctors hope you get sick, cops hope you get robbed, but the robber hopes that you’re rich.
Go robbers. See also Crime.
Funny Questions
1218. Why do fish live in salt water?
Because they’d sneeze if they lived in pepper water. See also Fish.
Funny Observations
1220. A caterpillar isn't a “cat” or an “er” or a “pillar,” but if you think about it, it does make sense.
Cats are a living organism and pillars are long and the “er” doesn't really make sense, just like a caterpillar. See also Insects.