Guest Entries
Funny Nicknames
2101. Hot Mess Express
My friend was in science class, and we were all in our group laughing as she slathered glue on her paper and stuck random things to it. The teacher came by and said, "Honey, you are a hot mess express."
Funny Names
2103. Timor Leste
The country that broke apart from Indonesia in 2004. Timor means "east" in the local language, and "Leste" means "east " in Portuguese, so "Timor Leste" translates to "East east" in English. See also Redundant.
Funny Anti-Jokes
2105. Why Did the Whale Cross the Ocean?
I don't know, I think you should probably ask him.
Funny Things
2107. Interstate Highways in Hawai'i
Exactly which other states do they go to? See also Hawaii.
Funny Diseases
2108. A Serious Case of Nothing to Wear
I can't go to school because I have nothing to wear.
Funny Places
2109. Places
What you say when you're parents ask you where you've been. See also Teenagers.
Funny Things to Do
2110. Giving Your Teacher an Apple
I'm halfway through my senior year and have yet to see any teacher even eat an apple. See also Old-Timey, Schools.