Guest Entries
Funny Drinks
2851. Trump Wine
Why does he market it if he won't drink it himself? See also Alcohol, Hypocritical, Politics.
Funny Animals
2854. Sharksucker
Nickname for the remora, a fish known to attach itself to a shark to hitch a ride.
Funny Foods
2856. Face Cakes
Cakes with a portraits printed on them. The more awkward, the better. See also Dessert.
Funny Things to Do
2858. Kiiking
An Estonian sport that involves sitting on a swingset and trying to spin 360 degrees over the bar. Do not try at home. See also Dangerous, Estonian.
Funny Things to Do
2860. Tying Someone's Shoes Together then Throwing Them Onto a Telephone Wire
They're impossible to get down once you do it. See also Pranks, Shoes.