Funny Anti-Jokes
Funny Anti-Jokes
201. Why Did the Toilet Paper Roll Down the Hill?
Because of gravity. See also Bathroom.
Funny Anti-Jokes
202. How Do You Drop an Egg on a Concrete Floor Without Breaking It?
Any way you want—it's almost impossible to break concrete floor.
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Funny Anti-Jokes
206. Why Did the Dog Bite the Blonde?
Because it was an aggressive dog. See also Dogs.
Funny Anti-Jokes
207. What's the Difference Between an Apple and an Orange?
They're different fruits. See also Fruits.
Funny Anti-Jokes
208. What is Green, Has Six Legs, and Would Kill You if It Fell out of a Tree?
A pool table.
Funny Anti-Jokes
209. Why Can't Donald Trump Draw a Perfect Circle?
Because it is impossible for a human to draw a perfect circle. See also Politics, Presidents.
Funny Anti-Jokes
210. What Do You Call a Giraffe with a Short Neck?
A giraffe. What else would you call it?